by Brian DeBelle | Last Updated: December 13, 2011

I couldn’t help but notice that this year is winding down and I got to thinking about all the crazy and wonderful things that have happened over these past twelve months. This year was most definitely a year of learning and that has turned out to be one of the best Ive had in a long time. I feel as though I am in a good place in my life right now and I wanted to reflect on the past year’s events.

It had to be around this time last year that I got a fortune cookie that read:

I am not a big believer in this kind of stuff but for some reason I put this thing behind the cover of my cell phone and Ive had it there ever since.

2011 started off a little rocky, I was headed into my final semester of college and started to wonder what I would do after graduation. I got into some what of a panic and decided I needed to do something with my life. I started applying to internships left and right hoping for something that would give me some experience in the marketing field I could use after graduation. After two months of hunting and  interviews I was lucky enough to land an internship with High Rank Websites, an awesome marketing company located here in San Diego. Landing an internship was a great feeling but I knew that I was in for a long spring semester.

My last semester at SDSU consisted of me performing a balancing act between classes, projects, the internship, work and trying to savor every last bit of my college experience that I could. I had some very memorable experiences during that final stretch of school and I wouldn’t trade any of the headaches and stress for anything because being a “work-horse” paid off in the end.

Graduation came in May and it was great to have my family watch me walk across the stage and accept my diploma as a college graduate, but the greatest satisfaction came when I was able to tell my parents that the Monday after graduation I would be a full time employee of High Rank Websites Inc. Not many students in this economy were able to have a job lined up right after graduation so I think my parents were most proud of that accomplishment.

Turns out that silly little fortune cookie was right.

The last half of this year was just as awesome as the first half. Ive had my fair share of fun including an epic weekend at the Stagecoach music festival, a couple of relaxing trips to the lake, and even a few to Sin City. In July my new job took me to Seattle for the first time, which was a great experience, and I recently made a very long overdue trip to my old stomping grounds.

2011 brought me closer to an amazing girl, who became not only my girlfriend, but one of my best friends at the same time. Her drive, passion, and charisma make her one of the most intriguing people I have ever met. I’m glad she was there to share in all of this with me.

There are still just under three weeks left in the year and I am already so very thankful for everything that this year has brought. I can only hope that 2012 shapes up to be just as good as this one.
